How do I find Peer-reviewed articles?

My professor said I needed to use peer-reviewed articles. How do I find them?


MCPHS Smart Search and most of our databases include peer-reviewed articles. Start with one of these quick strategies:

  • Wherever you're searching, check for a peer review limit that you can check off to limit your search results to just stuff from peer reviewed journals. (Most but not all databases have this option.)
  • When you find a potential article, make sure that it's really an article rather than an editorial, book review, letter to the editor, or some other unsupported opinion piece. 

Use the Finding Peer-reviewed Sources Guide for more detailed search and evaluation strategies, including: 

  • which databases only have peer-reviewed articles
  • which databases have both peer-reviewed articles and non-peer-reviewed articles
  • how to tell if an article you have already found is peer-reviewed
  • Last Updated Sep 05, 2023
  • Views 178
  • Answered By Erin Wentz

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