How do I use Zotero with SciFindern and ACS style?


The MCPHS Library's basic guide to creating your Zotero account, downloading Zotero to your computer, and integrating it with MSWord is here:

The ACS Style is not automatically included in the default Zotero package. Instructions on how to install new styles (like ACS) are found at . You will need to go to the Zotero Style Repository and download the "American Chemical Society" .csl file. This link will give you the correct file as the first one on the search results list:

As far as getting citations from databases (or your old RefWorks, EndNote, or Mendeley libraries) into Zotero, most of what you need to know is here:

To get the citation information from SciFindern:

  1. Run your search.
  2. Select the result(s) you want to cite.
  3. Click the "Download" button at the top of the page.
  4. Select "Citation (.ris)" from the File Type drop down menu.
  5. (Optional): Give your file a name.
  6. Click "Download."
  7. Find and open the downloaded file with Zotero. (If Zotero is your default program for opening .ris files, it should automatically open in Zotero. Otherwise, click on the File tab in the Zotero app, select Import, select the "A file" option, and select the file you want to import.)
  • Last Updated Feb 10, 2025
  • Views 743
  • Answered By Sarah McCord

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