What is INF 110/220/330 aka "the library modules" or "information literacy courses?"


The information literacy courses (sometimes referred to as the "library modules") are three online courses that will introduce you to the skills and information that are needed to do research at MCPHS. All Boston campus undergraduate, pre-professional, and transfer students must complete all three courses in order to graduate. INF 110: Introduction to Research Essentials, is typically taken during a student's first year, often as part of Introduction to the Major (ITM). INF 220: Intermediate Research Skills, is taken during a student's second or third year. INF 330: Advanced Research Skills, is taken either before or concurrently with the appropriate upper level course in one's major.

Each course must be passed with a score of 70% or higher in order to receive credit. For any questions, please contact the Head of Information Literacy Services, Erica Cataldi-Roberts at her email: erica.cataldiroberts@mcphs.edu


  • Last Updated Jul 22, 2020
  • Views 413
  • Answered By Erin Wentz

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