Which grading center should I use, Weighted Total or Total Points?


It's up to you which method you want to use. Most faculty find they're more comfortable with one or the other and generally don't switch. Switching from either method mid-semester is problematic and not recommended.

Total Points - Instructions who use different points for different activities (eg 10 points for quizzes, 130 points for papers and 5 points for homework) are directly weighting the grades. The final course score is based on the sum of all points earned.

Weighted Total - Instructors who use 100 points for every activity (eg 100 points for each quiz, each paper, and each homework assignment), use weighting to value to various activities so that a paper may count more towards the final grade than a quiz (eg 10 quizzes = 40%, 2 papers = 40%, and 10 homework sets = 20%).

Note: Any amount of points may be used for the activities when using Weighted Total.


  • Last Updated Nov 29, 2016
  • Views 77
  • Answered By Shanti Freundlich

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