How do I use Turnitin to check a student's paper for plagiarism?


To check a paper for plagiarism, you will need to create a Turnitin assignment in Blackboard, which by default, will create you a Turnitin account. Then, you will be able to check a paper for plagiarism on the Turnitin website.


Next, navigate to the Turnitin website. Click Login, and then select Forgot your password. This should allow you to reset your password so you will be able to login directly to the Turnitin website. 

Screenshot of the turnitin homepage banner with a callout around the address bar and the Login button


screenshot of the login screen with

After resetting your password and logging into the Turnitin website, you should then do the following steps:


  1. Click your name in the top left corner.

    Screen shot of step 1
  2. Locate the Activate Quick Submit drop-down menu under Account Settings and select Yes.
    Screen shot of step 2
  3. Click Submit at the bottom of the page
  4. Press Quick Submit

    Screen shot of step 4
  5. Press Submit and select the sources you want to compare the paper to.
    Screen shot of step 5
  6. On the Submit Paper page, click browse to submit the paper and run it through the program.

Note: Papers submitted by the Quick Submit method are uploaded to Turnitin's global repository and will be checked against in the future.

  • Last Updated Mar 26, 2019
  • Views 379
  • Answered By Caroline Frankel

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