Why can't my students see my discussion board forum?


As an instructor, you must make your discussion board available for students to access your discussion board. To make your forum available:

  1. Access your discussion board page (via the Tools Page or via a link you have added to your menu)
  2. On the discussion board page, navigate to your discussion board forum.
  3. Select the gray drop down arrow next to the forum link. You will notice that the forum is "unavailable"
  4. Select Edit
  5. Under forum availability, select Yes Screen shot of forum availability > change to yes
  6. Select Submit to save changes

Note: if you are linking to a discussion board via a content area, make sure that you are linking to the correct discussion board forum.

For additional details, please consult the Blackboard documentation on using discussion boards.

  • Last Updated May 29, 2018
  • Views 1122
  • Answered By Caroline Frankel

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