How can I edit Group Set memberships?

I'd like to update group set memberships within my Blackboard course.


To manually update Group Set Memberships:

In your course, go to the Control Panel (Left navigation menu):  

  1. Click on Users and Groups
  2. Then click on Groups
  3. You will now be taken to the Groups list.  
  4. To edit the properties for a group set, locate the name of the group set you wish to edit in the Group Set column and hover over the name of the set and click the chevron button that appears to the right of the group set name.
  5. From the menu that appears, select the item labeled Edit Group Set Membership.

You can then manually adjust each group section to match the posted memberships.


  • Last Updated Sep 06, 2019
  • Views 30
  • Answered By Mary Soojian

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